At a glance
- 2 lecture hours per week
- 2 credits
- Semester II
- Topics of Study: Languages
Course Objectives
- Define the term ‘novel’
- Explain characteristics of a novel
- Demonstrate an ability to read and comprehend a literary text in the target language
- Explain how the development of theme, character, plot, and setting contribute to the overall impact of a piece of literature
- Sharpen critical thinking and critical reading skills
- Enhance language skills
Prior Preparation
Previous English language courses offered as part of the programme.
Course Description
- Fiction
- Novella
- Reading and comprehension
- Language structures beyond functional level of communication
- Literary devices – similes, metaphors, sarcasm, irony, humour, pathos
- Theme
- Major and minor characterisation
Learning Resources
- Hemmingway, E. (1952). The old man and the sea. Charles Scribner’s Sons.