At a glance
- 4 lecture hours per week
- 1 tutorial hour per week
- 5 credits
Topics Covered
- Introduction to computers and computing
- Basic computer organization
- Number systems
- Introduction to algorithmic problem-solving
- Problem solving approaches
- Methods of specifying algorithms to solve problems: flowcharts and algorithms expressed in some pseudo language
- Introduction to the C programming language
- Problem solving using simple data types: expressions, assignment, and simple I/O
- Problem solving using conditional constructs
- Step-wise refinement
- Problem solving using iterative constructs: simple and nested
- Divide and conquer technique using functions and procedures
- Simple problem solving using structures
Learning Resources
- Dromey, R. G. (1982). How to solve it by computer. Prentice Hall International.
- Radix Learning Private Limited. Actionable learning, practice & assessment for algorithms, data structures and problem solving.
- Subramanian, K. R. V. (2015). Introductory problem solving & programming (using C).